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The Best Time of Day to Take Magnesium Supplements

In a Nutshell: The best time to take magnesium supplements is on an empty stomach for optimal absorption, but for sleep and muscle recovery benefits, nighttime is ideal.


  • Optimal absorption of magnesium supplements, particularly types like magnesium oxide, chloride, and sulfate, is achieved when taken on an empty stomach.
  • Taking magnesium at night can aid in sleep and muscle recovery, aligning with the body’s needs after a day of activity.
  • The form of magnesium supplement (organic salts like citrate, glycinate, and chelate) dictates whether it is more effectively absorbed with food or on an empty stomach, influencing the best time for intake.

When Is the Best Time to Take Magnesium?

“Is there an ideal moment for your magnesium dose?” This question, often sidelined yet crucial for health, is expertly addressed by Dr. Adam J. Story.

With over 26 years in chiropractic practice and a substantial YouTube following, Dr. Story combines his extensive experience with scientific insights to unravel this puzzle.

Understanding Magnesium’s Role and Timing

Dr. Story begins by highlighting magnesium’s pivotal role in health, particularly aiding sleep and replenishing minerals lost during exercise. He notes, “I take it at night… it helps you relax, makes it easier to sleep.”

The best time for magnesium intake largely depends on its form and your body’s response. “Magnesium oxide, chloride, and sulfate are best absorbed in an acidic environment,” Dr. Story explains, advocating for consumption on an empty stomach for these types.

Individual Needs and Supplement Types

Acknowledging individual differences, Dr. Story advises, “If you get a tummy ache… take it with a little bit of food.” This simple adjustment can help mitigate any discomfort while still ensuring effective absorption.

For organic magnesium salts like citrate, glycinate, and chelate, Dr. Story recommends taking them with food. This enhances their absorption, catering to those who might have a sensitive stomach.

Daily Replenishment and Dietary Considerations

Dr. Story emphasizes the body’s inability to store magnesium, emphasizing the importance of daily replenishment. He suggests a diet rich in vegetables or supplements for those unable to meet their needs through food alone.

Endorsing BiOptimizers‘ Magnesium Breakthrough, Dr. Story shares, “Their product has seven different types of magnesium… I personally take it at night, but some prefer one tablet in the morning and one at night.”

Conclusion: Tailoring Magnesium Intake to Your Needs

Dr. Story’s insights boil down to one key takeaway: personalize your magnesium intake. Whether it’s the type of magnesium, the time of day, or how you take it, understanding what works best for your body is crucial.

As Dr. Story aptly says, “The best time to take magnesium varies… it’s about what works best for you.”

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