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When is the Best Time to Move to Austin?

In a Nutshell: The best time to move to Austin is during August for potentially better deals and less competition or November and December for a quieter and more economical moving experience.


  • Summer months in Austin, particularly June through August, are characterized by high demand, competition, and costs, making them crucial for families planning moves around the school calendar.
  • August presents a unique opportunity in the Austin real estate market, with a slight decrease in activity offering potential for better deals and less competition despite the hot weather.
  • The cooler months of November and December in Austin see a slowdown in the real estate market, providing a quieter and more economical environment for relocation, which is especially beneficial for those looking to avoid the summer rush.

Best Time to Move to Austin

Imagine orchestrating the perfect move, where timing and circumstances align like a well-oiled machine. This is the essence of relocating to Austin, Texas, as revealed by Aubrey Von Behren, a seasoned real estate broker

With her deep roots as a 6th generation Texan and an expert in residential sales, Aubrey’s insights are invaluable for anyone eyeing Austin as their new home.

The Impact of Timing on Your Austin Adventure

Austin, a city pulsating with energy, offers a unique experience that varies significantly with the seasons. Aubrey emphasizes the profound influence of timing on the cost, competition, and overall enjoyment of your relocation journey. She highlights several factors that potential movers must consider:

Seasonal Pricing and Competition: The real estate market in Austin ebbs and flows with the seasons. Aubrey notes that understanding these patterns can significantly influence the success of your move, especially regarding purchase price and buyer competition.

Logistical Considerations: Timing affects more than just the housing market. It’s about aligning moving companies’ schedules, which can be challenging during peak seasons. Aubrey advises considering the availability and cost of these services when planning your move.

Weather Patterns and Personal Comfort: Austin’s weather can be a deciding factor for those moving from different climates. Mild winters and hot summers significantly affect the moving experience, from packing to settling in.

The Best Times for Transitioning to Austin

So, when is the best time to make the big move? Aubrey breaks it down:

Summer Months (June, July, August): High demand, competition, and costs. It’s a popular time for families to align moves with the school calendar.

August: A strategic month for movers. While it’s hot, the market cools down slightly, potentially offering better deals and less competition.

Late Fall and Early Winter (November, December): With fewer buyers, these months can be ideal for those seeking a quieter transition and possibly better deals.

Aubrey stresses that there’s no ‘bad’ time to move to Austin, but knowing these nuances can significantly enhance your experience.


Aubrey Von Behren’s analysis simplifies the complexities of moving to Austin, emphasizing the crucial role of timing. 

The summer months, especially June through August, are marked by a bustling market, ideal for families but with higher costs and competition. August, however, offers a chance for better deals as activity slightly dips. In contrast, November and December provide a calmer and potentially more affordable moving experience. 

Aubrey underscores that while no single time is optimal for everyone, understanding these seasonal trends and aligning them with personal needs can lead to a smoother transition to Austin.

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