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The Best Time to Stay in a Cold Shower

In a Nutshell: The best time to stay in a cold shower is typically shorter in colder climates or winter due to the intensity of the cold. In milder temperatures, longer sessions may be needed.


  • Cold shower duration should adjust to climate: shorter in colder weather, longer in milder conditions.
  • Norepinephrine release during cold showers depends on exposure intensity and duration.
  • Regular, consistent cold showers are more beneficial than sporadic, intense ones.

Optimal Timing for Cold Showers

Jesse Coomer, a well-versed expert in breathwork, health, and human optimization, offers his insights into the optimal duration for cold showers. Coomer’s guidance as a certified personal trainer is practical and research-backed.

When it comes to optimizing health and well-being, the subject of cold showers often emerges as a topic of interest. 

Understanding the Ideal Duration

Many have wondered about the best time to immerse ourselves in a cold shower to reap the maximum benefits.

Coomer addresses this by drawing parallels to exercise regimes, where intensity and duration are vital factors.

In colder climates or during winter, the best time for a cold shower might be shorter, as the intense cold due to lower water temperatures is sufficient.

However, as the seasons shift, like during spring in the Midwest, the best time for a cold shower may involve more prolonged exposure due to the milder temperatures to achieve a similar effect.

The Role of Norepinephrine

Central to Coomer’s discussion is norepinephrine, a hormone and neurotransmitter that significantly affects the body’s response to cold exposure.

According to Coomer, the release of norepinephrine depends on the exposure’s intensity and duration. This release has several health benefits, indicating that the challenge posed by the cold shower is crucial.

Customizing Your Cold Shower Routine

Coomer emphasizes that the best time in a cold shower is highly individualized. Finding a balance that challenges you without causing discomfort or excessive strain is essential.

It might be too intense if you’re shivering or struggling to warm up after a cold shower. However, consistently taking moderately challenging cold showers can maintain beneficial levels of norepinephrine.

Consistency Over Intensity

Highlighting research on the subject, Coomer notes that maintaining a regular cold shower routine, even briefly, can ensure a consistent release of norepinephrine.

This consistency is more crucial than the occasional intense session, underscoring the importance of making cold showers a part of your daily routine.

A Personal Journey

In conclusion, Coomer’s advice is clear: taking cold showers should be tailored to your personal needs and comfort levels.

Whether it’s a short, brisk shower or a longer, less intense one, the benefits remain noteworthy. Coomer encourages individuals to listen to their bodies and adjust their routines accordingly.

Jesse Coomer’s expertise sheds light on the best practices for the duration of a cold shower. By understanding the balance between challenge and comfort and recognizing the importance of regularity, individuals can effectively integrate cold showers into their wellness routines for optimal health benefits.

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