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When is the Best Time to Do Yoga?

In a Nutshell: The best time to do yoga is in the morning, particularly at sunrise, as traditional practices suggest.


  • Sunrise is traditionally ideal for yoga, with benefits like an empty stomach and ensuring completion without delay.
  • Evening yoga is a flexible option, great for stress relief and suited to personal needs and routines.
  • Post-workout is an excellent time for yoga, taking advantage of the body’s warmed-up state.

Best Time to Do Yoga

“Yoga is not just about the poses; it’s about finding the right rhythm for your life,” says Di Hickman, a distinguished yoga teacher and movement educator with over two decades in the health and wellness industry. 

She addresses a frequently asked question: when is the best time to practice yoga? Is it in the morning’s serenity or the evening’s calm?

The Multifaceted Nature of Yoga

Yoga transcends being just a workout or relaxation method; for many, like Hickman, it’s a lifestyle. The physical practice, or yoga asana, is what most people refer to when discussing yoga schedules. 

Hickman points out that the optimal time for yoga varies based on the type of yoga, lifestyle, location, and, importantly, personal preferences.

Morning Yoga: Pros and Cons

Traditionally, literature and practices like Sun Salutations suggest that sunrise is an ideal time for yoga.

Benefits include an empty stomach suitable for twists and movements, and morning practice ensures the activity is completed without postponement. 

However, Hickman recognizes that only some people’s schedules or bodies are morning-friendly. Challenges include a longer warm-up time, a possibly hectic morning routine, not to mention the struggle for night owls.

Evening Yoga: A Flexible Alternative

Evenings offer a viable alternative for those who can’t fit yoga into their mornings. 

Evening classes can be a great way to release the day’s stress and tension. Choosing between an energetic flow or a calming, therapeutic session depends on individual needs and personality.

Post-Workout Yoga and Location Considerations

Another excellent time for yoga is post-workout, leveraging the body’s warmed-up state.

Hickman also emphasizes considering the location and weather conditions for practicing yoga, as these can significantly impact one’s experience.

Finding Your Yoga Rhythm

In summary, the optimal time for practicing yoga is a personal choice, deeply influenced by individual lifestyles, preferences, and the type of yoga.

Sunrise offers a traditional and practical window, particularly beneficial for its alignment with natural rhythms and suitability for an empty stomach.

However, evening sessions present a flexible alternative, ideal for unwinding and catering to varied personal needs and routines.

Post-workout yoga also emerges as a practical option, capitalizing on the body’s warmed state.

Ultimately, the decision also hinges on external factors like location and weather, emphasizing that the best yoga practice aligns with one’s unique circumstances and daily rhythm.

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