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The Best Time to Move to Australia

In a Nutshell: The best time to move to Australia is during its winter months (June to August) for cost-effective relocation and before the end of the Australian school year for families with children to aid social integration.


  • Moving to Australia during its winter months (June to August) can be cost-effective due to lower relocation expenses.
  • For families, arriving before the end of the Australian school year helps children integrate better by making friends before the summer holidays.
  • Understanding the dynamics of the Australian rental market is crucial; the market slows in December and picks up in mid-January, influencing the best times for house hunting.

What is the Best Time to Move to Australia?

Australia, a land of diverse landscapes and vibrant cities, attracts many looking for a new beginning. 

Robyn Vogels, owner of Personnel Relocations and co-author of “Your D.I.Y Move Guide to Australia,” provides insightful advice for those planning to make this significant move. According to Vogels, timing is crucial in ensuring a smooth transition to life Down Under.

Low Season Relocation: Benefits and Considerations

Vogels points out that many Europeans choose to move to Australia during June, July, and August. This period, marking the end of the European school year coincides with Australia’s low season. 

This timing is advantageous for several reasons, particularly in terms of cost. Relocation expenses, including furniture removals, are generally lower during Australia’s winter months. 

This contrasts with the experience of movers from South Africa, who may face higher costs when moving during the summer months due to similar seasons in both countries.

School Year and Social Considerations for Families

For families moving with children, Vogels emphasizes the importance of the school calendar. Moving in December can be challenging as Australian schools typically conclude their year in early to mid-December. 

Arriving during this time might leave children without an opportunity to make friends before the summer holidays, leading to a potentially isolated experience. 

Therefore, coming a bit earlier, allowing children to spend the last term of the school year in Australia, could significantly improve the family’s settling-in experience.

Navigating the Rental Market: Timing and Strategy

The Australian rental market experiences a lull from early December, picking up again only in mid-January and returning to total activity by the end of January. 

This trend is attributed to the local celebrations of Christmas and the summer holidays, during which many need to focus more on moving homes. 

For those planning to arrive in November, the timing is still favorable as the rental market remains active. 

Vogels advises that a strategic approach would be to secure a rental in December with a lease starting in mid-January for people arriving in January. This strategy ensures a smooth transition for families looking to start the new school year without the added stress of house hunting.

Conclusion: Strategic Timing for a Smooth Transition

In conclusion, the best time to move to Australia largely depends on individual circumstances, such as family considerations and the move’s origin. 

For those coming from regions with seasons opposite to Australia’s, taking advantage of the low season can offer financial benefits. 

Families should consider the school calendar to ensure their children have the best possible introduction to their new environment. 

Lastly, understanding the dynamics of the Australian rental market can help in planning a cost-effective and less stressful move. With careful timing and planning, the transition to life in Australia can be a smooth and enjoyable experience.

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