Home Moving

The Best Time to Move to Phoenix, Arizona

In a Nutshell: The best time to move to Phoenix is during the fall and early spring, when mild temperatures and reduced relocation activity make the process more comfortable and convenient.


  • Fall and early spring are the best times to move to Phoenix due to the mild climate, with temperatures around 70 degrees.
  • Reduced relocation activity in fall and spring ensures easier availability of movers and contractors.
  • The holiday season, spanning late November to early January, is ideal for home purchasing due to motivated sellers.

When to Move to Phoenix

Phoenix, AZ, affectionately known as the Valley of the Sun, offers a unique blend of climate and opportunities, making certain times of the year more favorable for relocation. 

According to Kelley Norton, a seasoned realtor in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area, the best times to consider moving to this vibrant city are in the fall and early spring.

Norton shares her insights with an enthusiasm that only a true local could possess. She explains, “It’s in the middle of December right now, and I’m standing in the sun, and it feels so great. The temperature is roughly 70 degrees.” 

This mild climate, with a slight chill in the shade but a warm embrace in the sunlight, makes fall and spring ideal for moving, unlike the scorching summers where temperatures soar to 100-110 degrees.

Ease of Moving: Comfort and Availability

The best time to move, Norton asserts, is when carrying boxes and orchestrating a move is feasible and comfortable. 

Imagine transporting your belongings at a comfortable 70 degrees, with the ability to leave your front door open without worrying about air conditioning escaping. These small comforts make a significant difference in the moving experience.

Another compelling reason to consider a move during these seasons is the relative quietness regarding relocation activities. “Our summers are jam-packed with people getting into their new home before school starts,” says Norton. 

Fall and spring offer the advantage of readily available movers and contractors, allowing new homeowners to make necessary adjustments and renovations easily.

Market Dynamics: Less Competition, Better Deals

Norton also highlights an essential aspect of the Phoenix real estate market: less competition. She notes, “Our average days on the market in the fall and the spring sometimes can double.” 

This reduced competition translates into a stronger negotiating position for buyers, potentially leading to better deals. 

For those looking in age-restricted or retirement communities, the fall and winter months offer a more comprehensive inventory, albeit with slightly more competition. 

Conversely, in non-retirement communities, buyers might find themselves in a more advantageous position due to less competition.

Furthermore, Norton points out a unique opportunity during the holidays. “When someone lists their home during the holidays, that’s a pretty darn motivated seller,” she explains. 

This motivation often results in better deals for buyers, as sellers will likely be more flexible and open to negotiation during this period.

Conclusion: Optimal Timing for Your Move

In conclusion, for those considering a move to Phoenix, Arizona, the best time, as suggested by Kelley Norton, is during the fall and early spring. These seasons offer pleasant weather, less moving and renovation-related hassle, and a favorable real estate market for buyers. 

Whether you are seeking a family home or a retirement residence, these insights from a local expert can guide you in making an informed decision about when to move to the Valley of the Sun.

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