
The Best Time to Move into a Bigger House

In a Nutshell: The best time to move into a bigger house is when you have built substantial equity in your current home, interest rates are low, and personal factors like family growth or changes in lifestyle necessitate the upgrade.


  • Assessing built equity in your current home is crucial for a financially viable move; more equity can mean better opportunities for purchasing a larger house.
  • Low interest rates offer a strategic advantage; a lower rate can lead to similar mortgage payments, even for a bigger home.
  • Personal life changes, like family expansion or a shift to remote work, are significant indicators for the need to move into a larger space.

When Should You Consider Moving to a Bigger House?

“Home is where our story begins,” says Doug Schauf, a licensed real estate broker, as he addresses a pivotal question for many homeowners: When is the best time to move into a bigger house? 

Schauf’s expertise sheds light on this significant life decision, blending financial acumen with practical insights.

Schauf outlines common triggers for considering a bigger home, such as starting a family or adapting to remote work. He explains that the ideal timing for such a move revolves around two key factors: built equity and prevailing market conditions.

Equity as a Springboard

According to Schauf, a primary consideration is the homeowner’s equity in their current property. Substantial equity might have accumulated for those who have owned their homes for several years. 

This equity can be a robust foundation for purchasing a larger home. “When you’ve built up enough equity, it can be beneficial and a good time to make that move,” he advises. 

Schauf emphasizes the importance of market vigilance, suggesting that maximizing the sale value of the current home is essential to leverage this equity effectively.

Interest Rates: The Game Changer

The state of interest rates plays a pivotal role in deciding when to upgrade. Schauf points to the current era of low-interest rates as a potential boon for homeowners. 

He illustrates, “If you bought your first house with a five percent interest rate, and when you move up, the rates are around three percent, your payment might not significantly increase, yet you get a bigger house.” 

This condition, he believes, presents an opportune moment for homeowners to consider moving into a larger space.

The Personal Dimension

Beyond financial considerations, Schauf acknowledges the personal reasons that might necessitate a move. Expanding family size or the need for a dedicated home office can drive the decision to seek more space. 

“Sometimes, your hand is forced by the size of your family or your job needs,” he states, highlighting that personal factors are equally important in this decision-making process.


In conclusion, Doug Schauf suggests that the best time to move into a bigger house depends on sufficient equity, favorable market conditions, especially interest rates, and personal circumstances. 

He underscores the importance of being well-informed and prepared, whether the motivation is financial gain or individual need. 

Understanding your home’s equity, keeping an eye on the market, and assessing your requirements are crucial in determining the right time for this significant transition in life.

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